Whether we like it our not, our dogs' immune systems can take hits on a regular basis, just like our own. While puppies, seniors, and health-related immuno-compromised dogs get hit the hardest, no one is free from an occasional dip in immune function here and there.
Changes in the weather, an increase in social activities, a change in environment, and the aging of our pets can contribute to immune dysfunction. Some more specific examples of the above include spring-time allergens, a trip to the dog park, a boarding visit, a new baby at home ... the possibilities are endless! Outward factors, like the aforementioned direct changes in your dog's environment, and inner factors like stress levels, are all potential contributors.
So what does this mean? Our dogs' immune systems work as protective barriers, just like ours. It is a first line of defense against any number of illnesses. Sometimes it has to work overtime. Dogs who come to Pabby's, for example, experience varying degrees of stress, eustress, environmental changes, social changes, sleep pattern changes, and other structural changes to their typical day. This can be a lot for our dogs! It would be a lot for us, too.
Adding an Immune Booster to your dog’s diet can help them combat things that would otherwise have them down for the count, and whose risk increases with immune system dysfunction, such as:
There are many ways we can aid our dogs' immune systems and help the fight against these ailments, such as providing stress-free environments, giving them a balanced and healthy diet, keeping them well hydrated, and providing adequate exercise and enrichment. An immune booster is an easy way to increase our existing efforts and assistance we provide for our dogs' internal health. We can play an even bigger part in keeping our dogs' immune systems healthy and strong, and we think they deserve as much here at Pabby's!